Future-Oriented Innovations

Whether you’re responding to seismic shifts in your industry or attempting to adopt a more long-term approach, changing your company’s future orientation can bring significant advantages. Research has demonstrated that companies that have a strong focus on the future are more efficient and innovative. To become more futuristic you can motivate managers and employees to develop and implement new strategies and processes that will help the organization prepare for the future and adjust to changing trends.

To create future-oriented innovations using a dialogic approach, it is required to analyze potential barriers and business opportunities. This can be accomplished by using a futures literacy framework which includes futures knowledge and awareness of the future, as well as futures capability. Futures literacy refers the capacity of an individual or a company to construct, identify and articulate futures. It is based on the idea that the creation and expression of futures is a multidisciplinary activity which involves multiple domains, spheres, and stakeholder. Futures awareness is an individual’s capacity to identify future possibilities. It is based on their view of the world.

To achieve a the future-oriented innovation that we want, it is imperative to create products and services that enhance the lives of people. These improvements are the result of a partnership between many high tech process stakeholders and require a deep examination of the current problems and possible solutions. This type of innovation requires a radical epistemic view and the ability to hear suggestions from the future.


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